Texas House of Representatives District 102

Linda Koop

Linda Koop is the Republican Candidate. A former Representative for this State House District, Koop is a small-business owner, and a former member of the Dallas City Council. Koop’s top issues are delivering real property tax relief for Texas homeowners, addressing maternal mortality and expanding access to healthcare services for Texas women, and investing more state funds in education.

Criminal Justice & Public Safety

  • “Protecting our community should be job number one for any legislator, Linda passed legislation that reduced the rape kit backlog and bills aimed at stopping the flow of human trafficking and illegal drugs.”

Education Funding & Teacher Pay

  • “As a State Representative Linda increased school funding while keeping taxes low. She also assisted in the formulation of Texas’ School Safety Action Plan which emphasizes making schools safer places, identifying threats in advance and resolving them, and improving mental health assessment and services.”

Texas Economy & Taxes

  • “Linda is committed to reforming the property appraisal process and delivering real property tax relief to our families and seniors. “
  • “Small Businesses have been hit hard by COVID-19. Linda is committed to cutting needless regulations and red tape so our local small businesses can recover and thrive. “

Government Transparency & Ethics

  • Nothing listed on Campaign website for this issue


  • Nothing listed on Campaign website for this issue


  • Nothing listed on Campaign website for this issue

Reproductive Health

  • “Linda has prioritized women's health, addressing maternal mortality, and increasing healthcare access for disadvantaged women because access to care should never be a luxury.”

Infrastructure & Environment

  • Nothing listed on Campaign website for this issue

Social Services

  • Nothing listed on Campaign website for this issue

Ana-Maria Ramos

Ana-Maria Ramos is the current Representative for State House District 102, and the Democratic Candidate. A Dallas Native, Ramos is a family law attorney, small-business owner, a former college professor, and a mother to two children. Ramos’ top priorities include expanding Medicaid to cover more Texas families, implementing sensible gun violence reform to keep our communities and schools safe, and investing more state funds in public education.

Criminal Justice & Public Safety

  • “Regardless of what the gun lobby believes, public safety and the 2nd amendment are not mutually exclusive.”
  • “As a gun owner myself, I will always strive to work with my community and my colleagues in the House to stand for public safety and common-sense gun legislation that will keep our neighbors, students, congregations, and every single Texan safe from senseless gun violence.”

Education Funding & Teacher Pay

  • “I believe every child deserves a textbook. I believe every child deserves access to technology. I believe every child deserves a qualified, committed teacher. I believe every child deserves to be educated in a clean, safe environment. I believe that every child is a gift with the potential to thrive and prosper. I believe in the future of Texas. Today, we can no longer afford to sacrifice our children and place our public educational system in a financial stranglehold.”
  • “Ten years ago, Texas provided 45% in public-school funding. Today, despite rising student populations, Texas has reduced its public-school funding to 38%, forcing local taxpayers to fill the gap while also diverting funds to various voucher programs they call “tax credits.””
  • “Failing to invest in our children today will lead to dire consequences for our future tomorrow.”

Texas Economy & Taxes

  • “Texas’ salaries are not keeping up with property tax increases. As property valuations increase, property taxes increase. Instead of providing property owners tax relief due to high property valuations or using additional resources to invest in our future, the Texas GOP has reduced the state’s economic burden and shifted it to you.”
  • “Today, retirees, individuals on fixed incomes, and middle-class families are struggling to keep up with rising property taxes. Homeowners are increasingly faced with hard choices: either pay rising property taxes and live in want or surrender your homestead and move out. With skyrocketing healthcare costs, increased property taxes, and deteriorating services, everyone is affected!”
  • “During the last ten years, the Texas GOP has decreased its investment in education by 12%, forcing property owners to fill in the gap. Texas public school funding once included a sizable state aid investment of 45%. Today, the state is dropping its economic obligation onto you.”
  • “Additionally, instead of providing affordable and accessible healthcare to all Texans, the Texas GOP has denied poor and working-class families preventive healthcare, forcing them to rely on expensive emergency care at county hospitals. This emergency care is subsidized by our property taxes.”

Government Transparency & Ethics

  • Nothing listed on Campaign website for this issue


  • “Healthcare is not a privilege, but a right.”
  • “You have the right to feel secure knowing that being too sick to go to work isn’t overshadowed by being too poor to afford the doctor.”
  • “You have the right to feel secure knowing your child can be a child who plays, explores, and grows. And no matter the circumstances, your child’s healthcare and well-being will always be protected.”
  • “You have the right to know that your elderly parents can continue to age with dignity and respect and that they will always have access to quality healthcare.”
  • “I will fight for your rights and to ensure you and your family’s health is a TOP TEXAS PRIORITY!”


  • Nothing listed on Campaign website for this issue

Reproductive Health

  • “I support the United States Constitution and the rights afforded to individuals in the Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments. I will stand up for the women of House District 102 against laws that would take away the right of a woman's access to healthcare and choices concerning her body.”

Infrastructure & Environment

  • “As a state, we have the chance to become the nation's leader in green energy. The two fastest-growing jobs in America last year were solar and wind installers. In HD102 alone, we have over 2,990 clean energy jobs, and it’s time we bring more of these jobs to Texans- especially in the wake of COVID-19.”
  • “We must support the goals of the Green Texas Act to ensure we quickly work together to move towards 100% renewable energy, increase our energy efficiency goals, and protect our front-line communities facing the immediate effects.”
  • “I will ensure that we eliminate illegal pollution practices that place Texans at risk. I will continue to hold oil companies accountable and I pledge to not accept campaign contributions from big fossil fuel industries and lobbyists whose goal is to expand their business at the expense of people and the environment.”

Social Services

  • Nothing listed on Campaign website for this issue
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