Jovanka Palacios
“It Is On All Of Us,” Breaking The Cycle Of Gun Violence
On Saturday, the Texas Tribune Festival hosted a crucial discussion at Open Congress titled “We the Texans: Breaking the Cycle.” This panel delved into...
Superintendent Wish List: FUND TEXAS SCHOOLS
On Friday, during the Texas Tribune Festival public schools took the center stage. At one of the panels, Superintendents talked about the issues their...
Highlights From Day 1 Of The Texas Tribune Festival
The Texas Tribune Festival, running from September 5-7, brings together more than 300 speakers for three days of insightful discussions on politics, culture, and...
The DNC Effect: Is Texas Poised For A Political Turnaround?
The Democratic National Convention has confirmed that the party is counting on the American electorate to move past the divisiveness of the Trump era....
San Antonio Schools Face Budget Crisis Amid State Funding Failures
San Antonio school districts, like those across Texas, are bearing the burden of the state legislature's failure to pass a comprehensive education funding bill...
Jennifer Becker Discusses Supreme Court Gun Ban and Domestic Violence
Reform Austin Journalist Jovanka Palacios interviews Jennifer Becker, Director of the National Center on Gun Violence and Relationships at the Battered Women’s Justice Project...
From Classroom To Campaign Trail, Jennifer Lee’s Fight For Public Education
Jennifer Lee is a Texas public school teacher, a single mother, and the type of person who showed her son Obama’s acceptance speech when...
“Exit Wounds: How America’s Guns Fuel Violence across the Border,” Interview With Ieva Jusionyte
You can listen to the full interview here. Jovanka Palacios: We are honored to have Ieva Jusionyte with us today. She is a Watson...
Abbott’s Inaction On School Funding Hurts Conservative School Boards Backing His Policies
Despite being on the same page with Texas Governor Greg Abbott, recently-elected conservative school boards are finding themselves hamstrung by his inaction on school...
“Democrats are the party of life”
During the first general session of the Texas Democratic Convention, the speakers conveyed a strong sense of frustration and hope. They repeatedly stressed that...