Over the course of her political career, State Senator Konni Burton (R – Colleyville) has become one of the most skilled at raking in special interest campaign cash. For Burton, special interest cash takes on an entirely different meaning when it comes to her position as a Senator in Austin.
Texans pay some of the highest insurance rates in the nation and when politicians side with the big insurance companies, women’s health suffers.
Burton voted to protect insurance companies instead of fighting cancer. she voted against HB 2813, which required insurance companies to cover ovarian cancer screenings.
The political system in Austin is a rigged game in favor of the moneyed and powerful special interests at the expense of everyday Texans. And Burton is playing right along.
How? It may have to do with the thousands of dollars insurance and medical PACs give Burton in campaign contributions. Records show Burton received $7,500 from the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas, $7,500 from the Texas Medical Association and $8,000 from the Texas Optometric Association. A second bill, HB 1036, regulated coverage for certain breast cancer screenings. Burton was just one of six senators to vote against the bill.
When it comes to priorities, Burton’s made it clear that she’s a senator for insurers, not for her constituents. Sen. Konni Burton’s record has proved that she is just another part of the rigged political system in Austin- taking special interest money, voting to relax the rules on himself, and sticking it to everyday Texans.
Konni Burton keeps Austin rigged