Texans are all too familiar with the outsized role money plays in politics these days. Political action committees (PACs), lobbyists and special interest groups dole out huge sums of campaign cash to get what they want from elected officials. Politicians rake in this money to further their careers, special interests get what they pay for, and too often the public ends up losing. Ken Strange, candidate for Texas House District 45 in Central Texas, hasn’t been elected yet, but he’s already become very skilled at playing the political money game.
In his first run for a seat in the Texas legislature, Ken Strange has taken tens of thousands of dollars from special interest groups, lobbyists and political action committees (PACs), just in the first half of this year. According to his most recent campaign finance report filed with the Texas Ethics Commission, the lion’s share of Strange’s fundraising has been from special interest entities supporting the construction, insurance and other industries, as well as from lobbyists, CEOs and attorneys.
These donors are bankrolling Ken Strange’s campaign, and they are expecting their investment to pay off once he is in office.
Who will Ken Strange work for in the Texas House – his campaign contributors, or the people he’s supposed to represent?
Ken Strange’s special interest bedfellows