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Texas Families Affected By The Winter Storm Are Facing A Double Struggle: Relocating Due To Severe Damage While Safeguarding Their Children’s Learning

The February winter storm keeps taking a toll on Texan families across the state.

This especially includes Southeast Austin, where more than 85 families in a severely affected apartment complex will be forced to leave.

As reported by the Austin Statesman, the Rosemont at Oak Valley complex, notified residents earlier this month that they would be required to leave their homes because of extensive damage, including mold, from the February freeze that made homes unlivable.

The relocation has been stressful for the families living in the complex, who not only have already experienced the loss of their homes but now have little time to pack their belongings.

On top of it all, they have also been worrying about the effects this might have on their children’s education.

“My sons love their schools and their teachers, and if I have to take that away from them, I don’t know what I’m going to do,” said mother of five, Lisa Rheams. “That will be difficult all the way around if I do.” 

The affected families in Travis County have been receiving support from their district schools, many of who are currently directing great efforts in ensuring their students’ wellbeing.

However, the sanitary threat will now be an additional worry for these families, as the worsening of the pandemic has caused both Austin and Travis Country to return to Stage 4 of Austin Public Health’s COVID-19 guidelines.

This will have an impact on the relocated residents, as being closer to one another in the hotel could create higher risks of infection on-site and on school campuses.

RA Staff
RA Staff
Written by RA News staff.


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