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Tony Tinderholt keeps Austin rigged

Texans know too well the influences money has on elected officials, which special interest groups and political action committees (PACs) count on when they contribute to candidates. State Representative Tony Tinderholt (R – Arlington)  know this yet continue to accept from contributors ranging from lobbyists to real estate and telecommunication industries, all of who have an agenda in Austin. These groups further the careers of politicians like Tony Tinderholt, and in return they expect them to vote their way on the issues they care about.
HB 3305 would have made it illegal for the governor’s big campaign contributors to be appointed to state boards, but Tony Tinderholt voted against the bill.
The political system in Austin is a rigged game in favor of the moneyed and powerful special interests at the expense of everyday Texans. And Tony Tinderholt is playing right along.
In 2015, two bills – HB 3511 and HB 3736 – were introduced to increase government transparency, but an amendment in both bills shielded spouses of legislators from having disclose details about their financial interests, widening the spousal loophole. Tinderholt voting for the bills left Gov. Greg Abbott no choice but to veto both bills.
Meanwhile, Tinderholt voted to limit Texas voters’ options at the ballot box and to make it harder for Texans to vote at all.
Rep. Tony Tinderholt is just another part of the rigged political system in Austin – taking special interest money, voting to relax the rules on himself, and sticking it to everyday Texans.

RA Staff
RA Staff
Written by RA News staff.


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