State Representative Terry Meza’s (D-Irving) bill seeking to amend the Castle Doctrine has stirred lawmakers and social media outlets alike.
The Castle Doctrine allows a person the use of deadly force to protect their home. Meza’s bill, HB 196, would make the “inability to retreat” necessary when using deadly force to protect one’s home or property.
“While theft is obviously wrong, we have laws to address that. I don’t believe that stealing someone’s lawn ornament should be an offense punishable by death,” tweeted Meza.
A number of social media pages published stories with fake quotes attributed to Meza, which were quickly refuted. Politifact debunked the false information last week:
Vince Leibowitz, Meza’s Chief of Staff, told Reuters: “These quotes are 100 percent FALSE and completely fabricated. Rep. Meza NEVER said any of these things.”
Gov. Abbott tweeted that the Castle Doctrine “won’t be reduced” especially among calls for defunding the police.
With the Legislature convening in just 26 days, lawmakers already look to have their hands full this upcoming session.