Brad Buckley, candidate for Texas House District 54, calls himself a “true conservative”, who “cannot, and will not, accept any taxes, fees or other government that burden our daily lives.” But Buckley, the former Killeen ISD Board Trustee, has a record of doing just the opposite.
According to Killeen ISD’s 2004 Comprehensive Financial Report, when Brad Buckley was a board trustee, property tax rates for maintenance and operations increased while property tax revenue grew by 12.5 percent (page 7.)
Just last month, Buckley told the Central Texas Tea Party “we need to spend less when we can,” according to the Temple Daily Telegram. But again, when Buckley was a Killeen ISD board trustee in 2004, the district spent $10 million more than it did the previous year.
Buckley beat an incumbent in the Republican primary, in part by attacking him for “his lack of understanding basic conservative principles,” according to the Killeen Daily Herald. But Buckley’s record of higher taxes and increased spending tell at different story.
Turns out the buck doesn’t stop with Brad Buckley. He’s just another say one thing, do another politician.