Allison, a candidate for State Representative, are to blame. While Allison is new claiming he will do something to cut our taxes Allison has actually voted to raise taxes and has a spotty record of sound fiscal management.
As Reform Austin has previously reported, as a member of the VIA Metropolitan Board, Allison supported the disastrous Modern Streetcar project which wasted millions of taxpayer dollars.
Separately, while serving on the VIA board, Allison voted to increase fares on VIA’s public transit every two years.
Previously, during Allison’s time on the Alamo Heights ISD Board of Trustees, Allison failed to advocate for taxpayers. From 1992 to 2004, the district’s tax rate nearly tripled.
Fast forward to present day, and the school district’s problems continue. According to Alamo Heights ISD, state funding from 2015 to 2018 dropped from $5.1 million to $3.4 million, while local taxpayer funding skyrocketed from $59.4 million to $73.8 million. State funding declined by 33 percent, while the local share increased by 24 percent in just four years.
Meanwhile, Alamo Heights ISD also expects budget deficits from the “foreseeable future.” Given Steve Allison’s record of increasing debt and raising our taxes. Bexar County residents can’t trust Allison to provide tax relief.
Establishment politicians want us to believe – a few weeks before the election – they are finally concerned about skyrocketing property taxes. We know the truth – it’s the politicians who are directly responsible for this problem – because they favor the big, corporate special interest donors, and pass the state’s revenue shortfalls on to local school districts.
We won’t be fooled by more politics as usual. Taxpayers across Texas are paying more in taxes and getting less. Steve Allison won’t change it. If we are to fix our state and get the transparency and tax fairness we deserve, we must demand candidates stand up to their corporate donors and help us Reform Austin.
Steve Allison passes the buck to taxpayers