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TikTok’s Latest Move: Daily Screen Time Limits For Teens

TikTok announced new restrictions, including a 60-minute in-app limit for teens under 18. They also announced more parental controls.

Over the next weeks, each account for teens under 18 will be set to a 60-minute daily screen time limit. When the 60-minute limit is reached, teens will be prompted to enter a passcode to continue using the app. For teens under 13, the daily screen time limit will also be set at 60 minutes, but their parents would be the ones to set a passcode to allow an additional 30 minutes of screen time.

In the TikTok newsroom, the company talked about how being more aware of how we spend our time can help improve decision-making, so they are implementing these features to empower families.

Some of the new features include a screen time dashboard that provides summaries for time spent in the app, the number of times TikTok was opened, and a mute notification setting that allows for programming hours where push notifications are blocked.With these measures, TikTok hopes to help families and people stay in control of their lives. However, it’s possible that these restrictions will simply be ignored, as only a passcode is needed to use the app again.

RA Staff
RA Staff
Written by RA News staff.


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