Is The TCEQ Allowing Texas Water And Air To Be Polluted?
Environmental advocates have accused the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) of failing to protect state waterways in violation of the Clean Water Act...
Houston Black And Hispanic Neighborhoods Fight Back Against Concrete Pollution
Houston has a long and unfortunate history when it comes to companies placing polluting sites near residential areas, particularly those that are majority Black,...
More than half of Texas beaches had unsafe levels of bacteria in 2017
A report released in late August by Environment Texas and Frontier Group found that 75 of the 120 beaches in Texas they tested “were unsafe for swimming on at least one day during 2017” due to bacterial contamination.
90% Of Texas Beaches Are Contaminated With Fecal Matter
Going to the beach will never be the same.
Going to a Texas beach means there is a 90% chance that the water will be...
Is That a Cicada Killer or a Murder Hornet?
Since news of a possible invasion of the Asian giant hornet — also known as the “murder hornet” — circulated earlier this year, Texans...
Texas Coast Braces for Possible Category 3 Hurricane
More than 70 members with the Texas Army, Air National Guard, and Texas State Guard with the Texas Military Department have been activated and...
Texas Grid Faces Challenges Amid Rising Demand And Weather Variability
Texans may experience power shortages and potential brownouts this summer due to a combination of factors. If there’s record demand, extreme heat, and low...
Texans Can Support Honeybees by Buying Special License Plates
If you love Texas honey and the bees that make it, you can now show your support for them with a new Texas specialty...
This Texas Lakes Water Levels Hit 1960s Low!
Canyon Lake in Texas Hill Country is at a dramatic water level that has not been seen since the 1960s when it first opened....
State Positions Resources As Tropical Depression Approaches Texas
The state has placed resources on standby across the state in anticipation of severe weather from an approaching disturbance in the Gulf of Mexico....